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Mar, 2024

Streaming of Little Leagues Games-Not Permitted without consent.

Internet Webcast and Streaming FAQs
Streaming CANNOT happen at all without the prior consent (minimum of 5 days to allow time to coordinate) from the President of the league. As you will see there is an extensive process to coordinating the approval of streaming. Any requests with less than 5 days will be denied.  

Please see the attached information and reference links to understand the reasoning of why this is a Little League International Rule with guidelines that MUST be followed NO EXCEPTIONS  

The rules on streaming are clear that webcasts such as GameChanger require a contract agreement between the league, the district and the third-party company before the webcast can be streamed. You can also use social media to stream but at least two days prior to the game, the team has to notify a whole lot of people, including players and parents from each team, umpires, and anyone that they may be seen on the stream as well as the Town since we don't own the fields. 

Don’t Let This Happen: Sued for Internet Streaming without Permission - Little League
Streaming and Webcasting Using the Internet: FAQs, Guidelines, and Policies - Little League

 You can also download the LLI Rule Book from your APP Store. Rulebook App - Little League

If you have any questions submit them to [email protected] or reach out to your coach to put you in contact with your child's Division Director. 

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